






















《易隐》一书是纳迦法典中最深奥难的一本书。这本书的起点很高。这从《易音》一书与其他书的要象图对比就可以看出。看。六十四卦、卦象图均附于《加删卦书》、《占卜正宗》等书卦象图上,包括卦名、阴阳、时英、六十亲六- 四卦卦象图。 、地支等,而《易音》一书中的瑶相图没有那么详细,只展示了宫八卦的瑶相图。文人若想创制遥相图,就必须重新指派六亲,以回应天下。学《易印》者,应先能自编排卦,方可学《易印》。从这个角度看,《易引》要求学者有较高的基础水平,才能看懂本书。其本质是,世上懂“一音”的人多,读透“一音”的人少,能完全了解“一音”独门之法的人更是少之又少。



2、《易阴》卷首明明“先学占卜,先读易”,并附有“取易卦”的方法。这两种方法基于卦和卦等方法预测信息。 “上帝看到了它的诚意并表现出来。” 《正宗》对这一点有相反的看法。例如,《正宗》十八题之一中,有人被授予“丁”卦。 《正宗》作者王洪旭说,这个卦名很好,但我只关注瑶象,不关注卦和卦的含义。




5、《易阴》中的卦颠倒了。 《正宗》等书,无论上卦还是下卦,只要一个卦转身对峙,都说卦变反音节,而《易音》则需要上下卦。转身和碰撞。 ,当然,易音中显示的方法更准确,信息也会更丰富。


7、易阴阴阳之盛衰。经方易学已流传至近代。在众多的占卜书籍中,只有《易阴》这本书更多地继承了经方易学,而阴阳升降图则是由经方易学中的二十四节气演变而来的。 “一音”甚至将其与实际预测相结合,使其更加实用。


9、“易阴”的卦法盛衰。 《易阴》中以节气来判断卦盛衰的方法,比《梅花易书》以四时来判断卦盛衰的方法更为巧妙和巧妙。

10、伊尹的众神。 《易阴》中的生死八卦中有云:“贫富见神鬼”,充分说明了神明的作用。神沙的具体应用方法请参考下面第四节的评论和解释。


一卦是很多学习依依的人所追求的目标,也被依依界的一些人认为是一本高级书籍。 《易印》之所以被很多人认为是一本高级书籍,主要是《易印》一书中介绍的一卦多判的方法所起的作用。从各种事物的经验和卦,到对生活和风水的细致分析,方法都非常详细。如果学者有良好的基础,他们自然可以适用于一卦多句。

比如《易音》分为七章:一、诉讼起因;二、起诉情况;三、官方回应;四、调解成败;五、法庭的好与坏; 六、结果的情况; 七、罪魁祸首多少钱。当一场官司能够从头到尾预测到以上所有过程,自然可以称之为破卦。当然,如果官司已经在进行中,那么学者们自然可以选择破其中一章的方式来做一个单一的预测。如果测试人员说他现在已经起诉了,官方的回应是什么?那么交易者就可以根据第3节官方回应所示的推理方法,直接判断起诉后官方回应的好坏。














(2),也是太岁的一个分支,一个是岁婆,一个是台马。所以可见,神魔也一定要根据自己的兴旺与否来定。衰,年年奔之者,为马,作行之论;月日之囚,年年奔之者,谓之岁,谓之灾论。 .


第 5 节,“一阴”对神灵的使用。

《一阴》的飞降法宝在《一阴》前后有所不同。 《占卜正宗》等书认为,《易阴》中“八卦阴阳相交,故甘服坤,坤服干”是错误的,取功夫神而不取功夫。沉。的。但从《易阴》一书附录中实际卦的例子可以看出,《易阴》仍然采用宫中复身的原理来破卦,而不是取反面的复身。宫殿。

学者们可以从每本书的计算特点看出其中的原因。 《正宗》等书只在主卦无神时才用宫神。所以,在这宫神域中,肯定是可以找到神域的,没有必要通过下一步使用宫域中的神域。但《易音》并非如此。 《一阴》讲究一真一假六亲定事。真六亲可用,假六亲不可用,所以在用“易阴”破事的时候,直接弃主卦,用神通,夺取本宫。用神是真实的,而当用它来衡量家庭中的亲戚时,只有宫内八卦中显示的用神才是真正的近亲。如果没有福神可用于宫卦,那就用易阴独有的妃药来改变六法。因此,据说伊尹将福神带入宫中的方法,是由其自身独特的生死存亡所决定的。是的,如果有现代人驳斥伊尹的夺宫降神之法,读者就会知道,他们并不完全理解伊尹的独特判断。









又如天卦,六行无财《易隐》一书独特断法共可分为以下十二点,巽为木干宫之财,巽宫二行位于宫嘉阴财之下,巽卦天干辛,地支辰司,七数辛五辰。四数,一共十六,再加上扶摇佳音也是十六,一共是三十二。富人是 30 比 3,000;三百二十,每增加十倍。小户也用五行数,一到十,推之,如往常,盛世加倍,其余如数,狱卒减半。年鬼煞和年罚盈亏照常。 "

在财运和财运一章的《易阴》一章中也有简述,附录如下:“欲多财,宜取财”并付钱。,冰心银神七,定人毛佑六,五鬼陈旭五,四海常加四正负数。如卦中有二财,财世间,变尧为财,四直为财,卦宫也是财主,取那甲,累加,乘旺相,休数,减半计算狱卒定数,意欲少则取财神瑶,一水二火三树,四金五土的数量随兴盛而增减。 ”








如果臣民代占,则以五行为主。如甲子年,乾卦,人神五行,甲子至人神,占世界为第九代,占年为九年。余效仿此。 "


此法见于《易寅》,其中六亲的祖先的寿命占死数和死年:“死的祖先是多少,死的年份是多少? ? 亦为本宫官鬼所用,如庚寅年得火风定卦,宫中姬海鬼在幽金三尧之下(若非现在,看鬼),纪海倒数到本旬甲午,即第六位,再从庚寅年倒数。五十年。”



用“一阴”来判断生死,以本宫为真六亲,以内卦为真近亲,以外卦为真远亲。如果本宫的卦没有显示出真六亲,那就拿飞瑶飞出真六亲来计算,其他的也和远亲分开取。 .

《易音》中的六亲改飞行之法,并不是一些文论家所说的。以石瑶为妻,以世瑶为祖的,完全是曲解了“易音”。改六亲法。 《易阴》中的飞尧之法是身命篇中最有特色、最复杂的,普通读者很难通过原文了解其用法。作者专文解释如下:











从上面开始,改变世界的人们的误解开始出现。读者应注意以上内容。曾祖父属于水的范畴,并不代表卦中临神有进的卦就是太祖的行,卦中的临海子水卦就是曾祖的行。前文中,高祖属金,太祖属水,后面的木火,都是比喻先天五行。对于那些与生俱来的五种元素,水是一、火是二、木是三、金对于四、土壤是五。 , the of the above is : "If the Xu is ugly and has no , then the high are four , the great are one , the are three , the uncle and uncle are three , and the high are three . ,"

Get the of the above six , then you can find out the line where each six are to the of each six .

To use the line , it is to it is a close or a . If you ask close , you will start to fly from the world; if you ask , you will start to fly from the list of .


When the ask the , and the big ones ask the ones, they all start from the above the rank of the rank of the six .

The asks the , and the asks the big ones. They all start from the of the line below the world line to fly the of , and which line to fly to is the of the sixth .

For , those who about close must first find the inner of the body and life . If the inner of the body and life is the inner of the , then the three six of the inner are the true six . If the inner of the body and life is not the inner of the , then the three six lines in this inner are all false . Even if there is a line in the inner , then the line is not the real and the true . . But all human have , so where the real be found? If the inner are not in this , we can expel the of the inner in this . If there are and yao in them, this is also the true and true . If there is still no line in the inner of this , we will take the inner of the . For those who the , the of the Ben Gong are to each other, Qian and Kun are to each other, Kanli is to each other, is to each other, and Dui Gen is to each other. But if there is not the line we want to find in the of the , we can only use this six- line to start out of our . After out of the line, you can infer the of the based on that line. The other six are the same.

For , in the case of our , the are close , so we start to fly from the world, and the are our . .


Shui Lei Tun of Ben Gong

Liu Shen Fu Shen [this ]

White Tiger Wuzi Water ▅▅ ▅▅ Wuzi Water

Snake ghost Wuxu soil ▅▅▅▅▅ ghost Wuxu soil

Gou Chen ' ▅▅ ▅▅ '

, Wife, , Wuwu, Fire ▅▅ ▅▅ Ghost, Earth

Ghost Earth ▅▅ ▅▅ Geng Yin Wood World

Wuyin wood ▅▅▅▅▅ water

If we have the , and we want to for the 's , the of does not show the lines of the , and then check the of the of the , and there are no . Yao, at this time, you need to use the Yao to the six . Tun Gua to wood, the one who gave birth to me is the , then the is the water that the wood, the of water is one, and the son who the is to push the small to the big, and to fly down, then fly down from the world. One Yao is in the Yao, and the next one will fly to Chu Yao, that is, the of Chu Yao the . The who the is the , the is the water, the water is the fire, the is the fire, the of fire is two, the child who the is to push the small to the big, to fly down, then fly down from the world. There are two Yao , the Shi Yao is the Yao, and the Yao is down to the upper Yao. The Wu of the upper Yao the .

In this way, if the ' lines are found, the fate can be to the "Yi Yin of Life and Life". to the six , six gods, the gods and evil of the and the held by the , it can be . The 's and 's and *, the of work, the six of the , etc. take this as an , the and the both hold , that both are poor , and the is in , it can be seen that the is a vain , and the is in the early Yao, it can be seen that the is a lowly . . When the line is in Baiwu, you can see that the is and , and the line is on the upper line, which shows that the is and . to the sign, it can be that both have the of .

A more , the birth is the , and now the Yao is the son water, then the birth is my , the water birth is gold, and gold is the of four. down, so from the upper Yao and the Yao down four Yao, the of the Yao Geng Yin wood is the Yao, Geng is gold, Yin is wood, this is the of gold and wood, the home of car and bones, and the lie below. The ghost has a , so the other party that his a car in his later years, in to his and bones and . The is the , the is gold, and the is wood. From the upper Yao and the Yao, the three Yaos fly down. That is to say, the ghost soil of the three Yaos is the Yao of the , and the ghost is a . Chen was a self-, and Fu Wuhuo and Chen Tu also hid each other to , that his was sick and died than his . It is also to infer the signs of by the shown in " ".


The upper line, the fifth line, the line, the third line, the line, the first line

Great-, great-, great-, great-,

Wife, Uncle, Uncle, and


For , Zhan Gaozu will fly from the of the great , the uncle of Zhan will fly from the , and the ​​will fly from the of uncle and uncle. Yao. this.

In order to from being , the gives an as :

Shui Lei Tun of Ben Gong

Liu Shen Fu Shen [this ]

White Tiger Wuzi Water ▅▅ ▅▅ Wuzi Water

Snake ghost Wuxu soil ▅▅▅▅▅ ghost Wuxu soil

Gou Chen ' ▅▅ ▅▅ '

, Wife, , Wuwu, Fire ▅▅ ▅▅ Ghost, Earth

Ghost Earth ▅▅ ▅▅ Geng Yin Wood World

Wuyin wood ▅▅▅▅▅ water

If we have the Tun Gua, and we want to for the 's Gaozu , and the " Point Yao Table" does not have the Gao Zu's Yao , so we need to use the Yao to find a Yao with the line of the great . Gaozu is a , we count the five from the of the great- line that is to the . The great- is the upper line in the " Plan", so , the of the upper line in the Tun Gua, the great-, and he was born. The great is Gaozu, the one who water is gold, the five of gold are four, and the great is the elder of the great . , that is, the of Eryao, Geng Yinmu, the of Gaozu. The other Five , and Six Laws are all cut off like this.

is that we for the and , and the " Yao Table" is not by the two lines of uncle and uncle, so we count the five lines from the of the first line, which is to the uncle and uncle. , Uncle and are the same and have the same of five as , so , the of the first line of Tun Gua, , and the of five lines of water is one, then we can find out the of lines of uncle and by one line from the of line. Yao bit. And the uncle was born the , this is to fly down with a small push, so we fly down a line from the of the line, which is the line of the uncle, that is, the of the upper line, , the uncle; the uncle was born in the . , this is a big push and a small , so we fly from the first line to one line, which is the line of the uncle, that is, the of the line, Geng Yinmu, the uncle.

is our and , and the " Line Table" is not by the two lines of and . Uncle Yao’s is based on the of five . The and are the son of Uncle, and they are born to each other. , in the Tun Gua, the three lines, the ghost , Uncle, and the is gold, and the of five of gold. For four, this is based on the big push and the small as the , so we fly up from the three lines to the four lines, which is the 's line, and the third line to fly up to the four lines is the first line, that is, the first line. ​​and . As for how to ​​and , look at the on in "Easy Life Zhan".

As can be seen from the above , when the of Yao is used to the gods used in the , the of close and are not the same. The is that: it is that close are based on the world line to take out the of the five of the close , and then or the five of the of the close , and then the line that the close can be taken out; while that the is based on the of the close . Take out the five- of the , and then or the five- , you can take out the line that the . This is where Yi Yin . I have close , and the close of my close are my , so must start from close .

After we fly out the above six , we can infer the and *, work , and six of each six to the six held by each of the above lines, the six gods, the gods and evil , and the .

to this , we can all our , not only , such as , , , wife, , son-in-law, -in-law, , , , etc., and even their , Gaozu, uncle and uncle aunts, , , ​​and other of , and *, good and bad luck, and can be one by one to this .



